GiGo, Sunga Life,The Hudson River SEAL Swim and why it matters.

Sunga Life is proud to sponsor The Navy SEAL Swim because Sunga Life, a veteran founded company knows how important it is to keep a memory alive. Not just a memory of the tragic events of 9/11 but a memory of all the brave men and women that rose up to answer the call. Who will stand up for freedom and justice?
They did and many lost their lives for the cause. Their brothers and sisters know the sacrifice that they, the few, gave for the many. The participants battled the elements as well as their minds to be more and do more than thought possible by the average person. For it is an honor to serve and an honor to remember the fallen.
The Participants started by running two miles around Liberty State Park carrying American flags. They then swam 3.1 miles across the river from New Jersey, stopping at the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. At each stop, they did 100 push-ups in honor of America's liberties, and 22 pull-ups in recognition of the 22 veterans who commit suicide every day. After swimming into Manhattan there is another Flag run to America’s Response Monument, a SF soldier on horseback in Afghanistan.
The last 100 push-ups and 22 pull-ups are done and the participants made their way to the 9/11 memorial to honor the victims as well.
They don't do it because it is fun. They do it because it is an honor to be part of a celebration of those who sacrificed themselves for the freedoms that many take for granted. We honor those who are unable to be here now. They honor those who are forgotten everyday. Many veterans in the USA are left causeless and without a mission.
We the people must not forget who rose up to defend us when we needed it. The GiGo Fund raises money through this swim to support homeless veterans in New York and New Jersey to help get them off the street, into an apartment, and training for a career and mission they can once again be proud of. Sunga Life might make excellent swimwear but we believe in standing up for those who can not stand for themselves.
Freedom may be an American right but it is not free and we are honored to remember those who paid the highest price. Remember those brave and righteous souls. Live your life to the fullest so that their sacrifice was not in vain. Everyday honor their memory by living a life that they cannot.
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